Two weekends ago the interns in Kampala went to go visit our interns in Jinja. Which is about 2 hours east of Kampala. Jinja is located right where the Nile River begins at Lake Victoria. There are 4 guys interning with eMi living there. So anyway we decided to go and visit. It was a nice change from the chaos that can be and is Kampala. We left Friday October 9th (Ugnada's Independence Day) in the afternoon and got there Friday evening where we hung out with them for the evening. Saturday we went to what one of the Jinja interns (Danny) says is the best place to get coffee in Uganda for breakfast. Across the street is a bakery where an old British lady makes cinnamon rolls that are heavenly. Naturally we had to get some.
After getting full on coffee and cinnamon rolls, we went to an orphanage that houses kids who have AIDS. The orphanage is really close to where the Jinja guys live and they are in the process of building a tree house/fort for them. So we jumped in and helped. They had previously gotten the posts in and pretty much framed. So we decked about 2/3s of the fort and put the remainder framing up. The kids all wanted to help and they did. It was a lot of fun and we really enjoyed our time there. Here are some pics from the day:

The tree fort at the beginning of the day.

One of the orphans who borrowed Kyle's sunglasses. I think they look better on her.

Jocelyn holding one of the babies. I believe her name is Gloria.
so cute, Jocelyn!