I also got to hang out with my parent's Sunday School class on Saturday as they did a progressive dinner. I helped them feel young, I think. But all in all it was a good weekend full of fellowship and fun.
This past weekend I went with the Pinelake 20s Lifegroup down to We Will Go. We Will Go is in downtown Jackson, MS and is run by the Lancaster family who heard God's call to go live downtown and to love their neighbors. They are an amazing family who love Jesus so much that they just can't stand not sharing about His love and mercy! They do a lot with the poor, the drug addicts, and whomever else needs Jesus's love. If you are ever looking for something to do, go down to We Will Go and see how God is moving in downtown Jackson. Check them out at http://www.wewillgo.org.
Well I am about 2 and a half weeks away until I leave. Many people have asked how I am feeling about leaving, and, honestly, it is hard to sort out what I am feeling. I feel very surreal. I am excited, nervous, and even a little scared. But honestly I have no idea what to expect. So I ask for prayers. I have a lot of stuff to get done before I leave. Moving out of my roommates house is a big thing, and I will be doing a lot of traveling and driving in these next few weeks. Pray for safe travels. Also pray for encouragement. I have had some good friends give me some much needed encouragement lately. I know I have needed it. Pray that I would be an empty vessel for the Lord to fill up and use. Give glory to the King for His blood that washes us clean! Thank you Jesus for your grace!
God Bless!
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