Well, I left this past Sunday early in the morning from Memphis to begin my journey that will ultimately have me in Uganda. I flew out of Memphis at 6:05 a.m. which meant I had to get up at 4, yes 4 in the morning!! Arrived in Colorado Springs at around 10:30 a.m. So I made it to orientation where I have met a lot of really cool people who share the same vision as I do! Last night we heard a lot about the history of eMi and some of the future which is really cool. Today we worshiped and learned about God's heart for the nations of the world. Had a great time playing ultimate frisbee this afternoon. And really tired from it as well.
The elevation here at where we are staying is at a little over 6,000 feet. And it is so pretty here too. The temperature is very nice not at all like Mississippi's!
Anyway here are a few pics

This is the view out the back of where we are staying for the week in Colorado Springs.

A few of my fellow interns getting ready for breakfast.
Oh fun times. Colorado is a great place. Have fun Rock Climbing!